Hudson :: Core

Hudson :: Core

Contains the core Hudson code and view files to render HTML.

Compile dépendances (64)

Groupe / Artefact Version Version Plus Récente
org.apache.commons » commons-lang3 3.0.1 3.12.0 » xstream 1.4.1-hudson-2 NA
org.jvnet.hudson.main » hudson-cli 2.2.0 2.2.1
jfree » jfreechart 1.0.9 1.0.13 » sezpoz 1.9 1.13
org.jvnet.hudson » windows-remote-command 1.0 1.1
org.jvnet.hudson.main » hudson-remoting 2.2.0 2.2.1
org.jvnet.libpam4j » libpam4j 1.4 NA
org.kohsuke » akuma 1.6 1.10
org.kohsuke » trilead-putty-extension 1.0 1.2
org.jvnet.hudson » memory-monitor 1.3 NA
javax.jmdns » jmdns 3.4.0 3.4.1
org.springframework » spring-dao 2.0.8 NA
commons-logging » commons-logging 1.1.1 1.2
antlr » antlr 2.7.6 3.0b5
org.jvnet.libzfs » libzfs 0.5 0.1
commons-jelly » commons-jelly-tags-fmt 1.0 NA
commons-jelly » commons-jelly-tags-xml 1.1 NA
asm » asm-commons 2.2.3 3.3.1
com.sun.solaris » embedded_su4j 1.1 1.0
net.sf.jtidy » jtidy r938 NA
commons-collections » commons-collections 3.2 3.2.2
org.codehaus.groovy » groovy-all 1.8.1 2.5.21
org.apache.commons » commons-jexl 2.0.1 2.1.1
log4j » log4j 1.2.12 1.2.17
org.kohsuke » graph-layouter 1.0 NA
com.infradna.tool » bridge-method-annotation 1.4 1.21
javax.servlet » jstl 1.1.0 1.2
jaxen » jaxen 1.1-beta-11 2.0.0
org.jvnet.hudson » activation 1.1.1-hudson-1 NA
org.jvnet.hudson » commons-jelly-tags-define 1.0.1-hudson-20071021 NA
commons-io » commons-io 2.0.1 2.11.0
jline » jline 0.9.94 2.14.6
org.codehaus.woodstox » wstx-asl 3.2.7 4.0.6
logkit » logkit 2.0 1.3
org.jvnet.hudson » jinterop-wmi 1.0 NA
avalon-framework » avalon-framework 4.1.3 4.1.5-RC2
commons-beanutils » commons-beanutils 1.8.0 1.9.4
commons-digester » commons-digester 1.7 2.1
org.jvnet.hudson » crypto-util 1.0 NA
xpp3 » xpp3 1.1.4c NA
org.springframework » spring-jdbc 2.5 6.0.22
org.springframework » spring-web 2.5 6.0.22
org.springframework » spring-core 2.5 6.0.22
net.sf.json-lib » json-lib 2.4 NA » jna 3.3.0 5.14.0
javax.mail » mail 1.4 RELEASE
org.springframework » spring-aop 2.5 6.0.22
com.sun.xml.txw2 » txw2 20070624 20110809
org.acegisecurity » acegi-security 1.0.5 1.0.7
commons-codec » commons-codec 1.4 1.15
org.kohsuke.stapler » stapler-jelly 1.167 1.263
org.apache.commons » commons-digester3 3.0 3.2
org.jruby.ext.posix » jna-posix 1.0.3 NA
org.jvnet.hudson » task-reactor 1.2 NA
args4j » args4j 2.0.16 2.37
commons-lang » commons-lang 2.5 2.6
org.jvnet.hudson » annotation-indexer 1.2 NA
com.octo.captcha » jcaptcha-all 1.0-RC6 NA
org.kohsuke » access-modifier-annotation 1.0 1.16
org.jvnet.winp » winp 1.14 1.28
org.kohsuke.metainf-services » metainf-services 1.1 1.8
org.jvnet.localizer » localizer 1.10 1.31
org.apache.ant » ant 1.8.2 1.9.16

Provided dépendances (3)

Groupe / Artefact Version Version Plus Récente
org.jvnet » animal-sniffer-annotation 1.0 NA
com.sun.winsw » winsw 1.10 NA
javax.servlet » servlet-api 2.4 3.0-alpha-1