ASAP - Client - OkHttp 3.x Support

ASAP - Client - OkHttp 3.x Support

Java library that implements the ASAP protocol for service to service authentication using Json Web Tokens (JWT)

Version Référentiel Usages Date
2.25.x 2.25.1 central oct. 30, 2019
2.25.0 central oct. 29, 2019
2.24.x 2.24.3 central oct. 10, 2019
2.24 central oct. 09, 2019
2.23.x 2.23.2 central juil. 17, 2019
2.22.x 2.22.0 central juil. 15, 2019
2.21.x 2.21.13 central juil. 07, 2019
2.21.12 central juil. 05, 2019
2.21.11 central juin 18, 2019
2.21.10 central avr. 24, 2019
2.21.9 central avr. 01, 2019
2.21.6 central oct. 01, 2018
2.21.5 central sept. 28, 2018
2.21.4 central sept. 27, 2018
2.21.3 central sept. 25, 2018
2.15.x 2.15.2 central oct. 12, 2017
2.15.0 central sept. 12, 2017